lesliesawhnycentre Learn and Empower

Contact Us

83, Rest Camp road, Nr. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Devlali, Nashik, 422401, Maharashtra, India

09:00 AM to 05:00 PM

By Rail

Deolali is on the Central Railway and just 4 hours journey by Express train from Mumbai. Rail links make it accessible from all parts of India. ​The Centre is located 3 Kms from the railway station.

By Road

8 kms away from Dwarka Circle, Nashik Road- Mumbai Agra National Highway junction.​The Centre is accessible by bus from Mumbai and Pune.


Major General Cyrus Pithawalla,
AC, VSM (Retired)
+91 9075235857


Mr. Bipin Borde
+91 90113 99907

To Book The Centre please Write in advance furnishing

The Period for which facilities required.
Number of Faculty Members and Participants.
Schedule of Activities.
Equipment Required- LCD / Projectors / Audio Systems.